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Table of Contents


Add SMTP Server

To setup an auto responder, first make sure you have an SMTP server added to your account. (Admin > Plugin > SMTP Maintenance)


NOTE: The most common error is authentication failed which is typically a credential issue. Please recheck to make sure your credentials are entered correctly.Step 2. Go

Create Autoresponder within Campaign

Go into the campaign in which you would like to connect this SMTP account to.

Go to CRM > Campaigns > Then click edit on the campaign you wish to set the SMTP account on.



Scroll down to the Auto-Responders section and click on the GREEN green + button to add an SMTP account.


Email Subject Line - What the customer will see the email titled as in their inbox.

Step 4. Click submit and the Auto Responder is set up.

Step 5. Click the BLUE Click submit to generate the autoresponder, then click the blue edit button to go into the autoresponder to edit it for customization.


Use the tool bar and editor to make edits to the template. You can also use the Advanced builder to create your autoresponders. You can add tokens if you want other fields to populate in your Auto Responder.


After you make your edits you can click the Preview button to see an example of what your editing on your Auto Responder auto responder will look like in real time.


Step 8. Click Update


Optional Step:

You can test your autoresponder configuration by selecting Send Test. Specify your email address and a test will be sent.


, or you can click Send Test to send a test email to yourself.