Versions Compared


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By default all webhooks are sent as a GET. Read Step 5 for how to send a POSTother methods.


Please note that Test Card orders will not export through the webhook system.


Using as the Postback URL and the above field mappings, the webhook will send the data like this:[firstName]&last_name=[lastName]&order_date=[orderDate]&list_id=400&email_address=[emailAddress]&campaign_number=[campaignId]

The CRM will fill in the [field_mappings] with the data from the orders.

By default all webhooks are sent as a GET. A webhook can be sent as a POST by entering headers as static fields. Enter Export Name static value “header:” followed by the header name and Value as the header value. This screenshot shows an example. The non-header field mappings are sent in the message body.

If header Content-Type (case-insensitive) is application/json then the field mappings are put into json format in the message body. Any other Content-Type sends query parameters in the body.


Webhooks can also be sent as DELETE, PUT, or PATCH.

  • Enter Export Name static value “header:httpMethod” with value DELETE or PUT or PATCH

  • Optionally enter Export Name static value “header:httpMethodType”

    • GET = send additional parameters as url parameters (default)

    • POST = send additional parameters in the message body

  • “httpMethod” and “httpMethodType” are not sent in the export.

Step 6. Configure Profile Routing
