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To connect your funnel pages:

Table of Contents


Step 1: Navigate to the Funnel Visualizer


Step 2: Highlight the first page

Click on the page you are wanting to connect to another another page. This will highlight the page.


Step 3: Click, Hold, and Drag your cursor to the next page

With the page highlighted - Click, Hold, and Drag your cursor to the next page. This will create a red arrow - indicating that they have not been it is added but not configured.

Make sure to bring your cursor completely to the next page



Step 4: Edit Arrow Settings

Hover over the arrow and click the settings button. This will open a panel on the right side of the page.



Inside the Buttons/Links panelfield, select all of the buttons/links that should progress the customer to the next page.


For Lead Pages - This


might be all buttons on your page, or it might only be a specific button which will submit a lead form and route the customer to the checkout page.


For Checkout Pages - Make sure your Credit Card submit button and any alternative payment buttons (PayPal, Sezzle, AfterPay, etc) are applied to the arrow going from the Checkout Page to next page (Upsell or Thank You).


For upsell flows Upsell Flows with downsells Downsells - Make sure the YES “YES” button(s) sends the customer to the next upsell and the NO buttons button(s) sends the customer to the downsell page. From the downsell page, both the YES and NO buttons will route to the next Upsell page, or to the Thank You page.


For Upsell Routing based on Declines - Inside the arrow routing configuration for upsell pages the buttons/links on the page are split up with Approve and Decline options. These are used to route customers to a page depending on of the transaction from the current page had approved or declined at the gateway level.

This feature can be used to:

  1. Route customers directly to the Thank You page if the upsell declined (skipping the rest of the upsells/downsells)

  2. Route customers to a downsell page if their upsell payment declined

  3. Route declines to the next page (without this the customer remains on the upsell page that declined and will show the decline reason)

If you don't really care to do anything different with the declined upsells, you can choose to only use the Approved options and leave the Decline options unused.

Dynamic Upsells

If the arrow is coming from a Checkout Page or Upsell Page, you can use the Dynamic Upsell options to customize the upsell flow depending on the product(s) that the customer has purchased.

The option by default will match to any product in the cart, but you may choose to change this to match all selected products with the items in the cart.


The Countries option can be used to skip upsells for specific countries that might not be allowed to purchase that upsell. For example - If you are selling in Europe but an upsell product cannot be sold to Germany, draw a new arrow to the next page


of the funnel, skipping the forbidden upsell. If you set Germany to this new arrow then any orders with a German shipping address will follow this arrow.

Once you have configured the arrows, or any time a change is made, the arrows will turn blue. This indicates that there are un-published changes.

Step 5: Repeat Steps 1-4 for all of your pages


Step 6: Publish the Funnel

Once you are complete, be sure to publish the funnel. This will turn your any edited pages or arrows green - indicating that they have been published.




Although you do have the ability to hardcode URLs to links on your pages,


it is not recommended to so do as this will break your page analytics




If a button is not applied to an arrow, an error will display on the page saying:

“No page routing found. Please verify this button or link is set properly on an arrow“