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Export Profiles are used to send data to a Postback URL of or FTP or CSV. This article will walk walks you though through the configuration for an Export Webhook sending data to a Postback URL.

Generally these are used to send partials to a call center, but they are not limited to that function. We will add the field mappings you configure to the Postback URL string so the URL field will be just the URL itself without a string. Setting the mappings allow you to choose which Konnektive CRM data matches your 3rd party data. 

By default all webhooks are sent as a GET. Read Step 5 for how to send other methods.


Please note that CheckoutChamp Test Card orders will not export through the webhook system.


Next, enter a profile name and select Postback as the export type


Image Added

Click create and the profile will be added to your Export Webhook Profile list.


  • Profile Name – The name of the export profile. Can be whatever you want.

  • Export Type – Type of Postback export

  • Postback URL:URL Where you want the information sent

  • Export Delay – Set the time, in minutes, for how how long the export should be delayed. By default the webhook task service runs every 15 minutes and will fire any webhooks that have been triggered since the last task firedrun. If you add 5 minutes to the delay, this adds 5 minutes to the 15 minute default which will then result in the webhook task running every 20 minutes.


  • Mapping customer first name:


  • Mapping date created:


  • Mapping static value (ie, username/password, list_id, function, etc)


Using as the Postback URL and the above field mappings, the webhook will send the data like this:[firstName]&last_name=[lastName]&order_date=[orderDate]&list_id=400&email_address=[emailAddress]&campaign_number=[campaignId]

The CRM will fill in the [itemsfield_mappings] with the data from the orders.

By default all webhooks are sent as a GET. A webhook can be sent as a POST by entering headers as static fields. Enter Export Name static value “header:” followed by the header name and Value as the header value. This screenshot shows an example. The non-header field mappings are sent in the message body.

If header Content-Type (case-insensitive) is application/json then the field mappings are put into json format in the message body. Any other Content-Type sends query parameters in the body.


Webhooks can also be sent as DELETE, PUT, or PATCH.

  • Enter Export Name static value “header:httpMethod” with value POST or DELETE or PUT or PATCH

  • Optionally enter Export Name static value “header:httpMethodType”

    • GET = send additional parameters as url parameters (default)

    • POST = send additional parameters in the message body

  • “httpMethod” and “httpMethodType” are not sent in the export

Step 6. Configure Profile Routing


Use the select boxes to determine which customer type, campaigns and products should trigger the export. You can select from the following customer types:-

  • Partial


  • – export only incomplete orders (also called leads)


- Decline – export orders that declined


  • Lead – export only incomplete orders that do not have a product assigned

  • Abandoned Cart – export only incomplete orders that have a product(s) assigned

  • New Sale – export only new sales that were successfully billed


  • Upsell


  • – export only orders that include an upsell

  • Subscription Started -


  • export only new sales that include a recurring product

  • Pre-Billing – export only after prebill notification email has been sent prior to next rebill

  • Recurring Order – export orders created as part of a continuity subscription


  • Decline – export orders that declined

  • Rebill Decline – export only when a rebill (recurring purchase) declines

  • Recycle Failed – exports orders who reach recycle failed status

  • Cancel exports if a recurring purchase is cancelled

- Pre-Billing – export only after prebill notification email has been sent prior to next rebill.

- RMA Issued– export only when a fulfilment status has been changed to RMA PENDING.

- RMA Received – export only when a fulfillment status has been changed to RETURNED.

- Refund – export orders that have been refunded


  • Pause - when a recurring purchase is paused

  • Reactivate - when a recurring purchase is reactivated

  • All refunds - export orders that have been refunded

  • Partial refunds - export orders that have been partially refunded

  • Full refunds - export orders that have been fully refunded

  • Chargeback– export orders that has been chargedback

- Rebill Decline – export only when a rebill declines.


  • Fulfillment Shipped exports orders


  • when their fulfillment status shows as Shipped

  • Fulfillment delivered - exports orders when their fulfillment status shows as


  • Delivered

  • RMA issued - exports orders when an RMA is issued

  • RMA received - exports orders when an RMA is received

  • QA Pending - exports orders that are pending in QA

Example 1: Exporting partials from a specific campaign


If a webhook fails to export we will continuously re-attempt to post to the webhook until it is successful. This is useful for when webhook targets are down for maintenance or experience connection issues.


Please note that CheckoutChamp Test Card orders will not export through the webhook system.


NOTE: Newly created webhooks grab data from 1 day prior.