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Legacy Data can be imported into CheckoutChamp via .csv formatted import files.

CheckoutChamp staff will provide support and guidance on creating the file, however, CheckoutChamp staff will not be responsible for manipulating data or modifying files. The accuracy of the data provided in the import files is 100% the responsibility of the CheckoutChamp client. Any request to modify data that was imported as defined in the import files , may result in a billable fee.

It is absolutely critical that the file format provided matches in terms of:

  • Data Type - The data type must match to the specifications defined below. If data format does not meet the specifications, the import will fail.
  • Required - Required fields must be provided in the file. If they are not provided, the import will fail.

Some Common data things to look for:

1. .csv file format is required
2. dateCreated field needs to be format: (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
3. isActiveRecurring column needs to be defined if providing an active account and specifying the next bill date
4. responseType can only be one of these two options: SUCCESS or DECLINE (Exact case and exact spelling)
5. responseText can only be one of these two options: SUCCESS or DECLINE (Exact case and exact spelling)
6. billShipSame column needs to be defined.

Below are the formats for the 3 possible files involved in the process:

  • Transactions*
  • Customer Notes
  • Additional Customer Details (coming soon)


Depending on the information you intend to retain, you may choose to import customer notes and additional customer details.

- Transactions - The transactions file is the most important file. This holds information on all the individual transactions that have been issued against customer cards. It also contains data related to recurring continuity and upcoming billing dates as well was tracking numbers related to order shipments. - download sample file

Field Definitions:

AcustomerIdvarchar(20)YYour internal customer id for this customer
BorderIdvarchar(20)YYour internal order id for the order associated with this transaction
CdateCreateddatetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)YThe timestamp of the transaction
DcampaignIdintegerYThe CheckoutChamp campaignId that indicates which campaign to import this order into.
EproductIdintegerYThe CheckoutChamp campaign productId that indicates which product within the campaign, the transaction was for. (Found on the campaign page)
YWhether this transaction was made on a currently active continuity product
GnextBillDatedate (YYYY-MM-DD)Y - IF isActiveRecurring=1The next scheduled billing date for the active continuity product
HpaySourceENUM (CREDITCARD, CHECK, or PREPAID)YHow the customer paid for the product
IcardNumberinteger (max 19)Y - IF paySource=CREDITCARDFull credit card number used for payment
JcardExpiryMonthinteger (MM)Y - IF paySource=CREDITCARDMonth in which the card expires (must include leading zeros)
KcardExpiryYearinteger (YYYY)Y - IF paySource=CREDITCARDYear in which the card expires (must be 4 digits)
LachRoutingNumberintegerY - IF paySource=CHECKRouting number of the customer's bank
MachAccountNumberintegerY - if paySource=CHECKAccount number of the customer's bank account
Y - IF paySource=CHECKBank Account Type
OmerchantIdintegerYCheckoutChamp Id for the merchant account the transaction was billed against
PmerchantTxnIdvarchar(30)YtransactionId returned by the merchant processor
QtxnTypeENUM (SALE, AUTHORIZE, CAPTURE, REFUND)YThe type of transaction
RsubTotaldecimalYproduct price before shipping and taxes applied
SshipTotaldecimalYshipping charged for the order
TsalesTaxdecimalYsales tax charged for the order
UtotalAmountdecimalYSum of salesTax / subTotal / shipTotal (Must add up correctly)
VresponseTypeENUM (SUCCESS or DECLINE)YResult of the transaction, was it successful?
WresponseTextENUM (SUCCESS or DECLINE)YAny additional response information returned by the processor
XauthCodevarchar(20)NAuthorization Code returned by the processor
YparentTxnIdvarchar(30)Y - IF txnType=REFUND or txnType=CAPTUREThe parent transaction against which a refund or capture transaction was run
ZfirstNamevarchar(30)YCustomer's first name
AAlastNamevarchar(30)YCustomer's last name
ABaddress1varchar(30)YBilling Address Line 1
ACaddress2varchar(30)YBilling Address Line 2
ADcityvarchar(30)YBilling Address City
AEstatevarchar(30)Y - IF country=US or country=CABilling Address State
-standard ISO 2 country codes
YBilling Address Country
AGpostalCodevarchar(20)YBilling Address Postal Code
AHphoneNumbernumeric (no dashes or parentheses)YPrimary Phone number of customer
AIhomePhonenumeric (no dashes or parentheses)NHome telephone number
AJcellPhonenumeric (no dashes or parentheses)NCellphone number
AKworkPhonenumeric (no dashes or parentheses)NWork telephone number
ALemailAddressemailAddress (must be valid format)YCustomer's email address
YWhether or not the shipping address is the same as the billing address
ANshipAddress1varchar(30)Y - IF billShipSame=0Shipping Address Line 1
AOshipAddress2varchar(30)Y - IF billShipSame=0Shipping Address Line 2
APshipCityvarchar(30)Y - IF billShipSame=0Shipping Address City
AQshipStatevarchar(30)Y - IF country=US or country=CAShipping Address State
-standard ISO 2 country codes
Y - IF billShipSame=0Shipping Address Country
ASshipPostalCodevarchar(20)Y - IF billShipSame=0Shipping Address Postal Code
ATaffIdvarchar(20)NCheckoutChamp affId
AUsubAffIdvarchar(20)NSub affiliate id associated with order
AVshipDatedate (YYYY-MM-DD)NDate on which the order was shipped
AWshipCarriervarchar(20) (ex. USPS, FedEx, etc)NCarrier responsible for shipment
AXshipMethodvarchar(20)NCarrier's shipment method (ex. Express, 3-day Ground, etc)
AYtrackingNumbervarchar(20)NOrder Tracking # assigned by the carrier
AZisChargedbackBoolean('0' or '1')NIndicates that the specific transaction has been charged back by the card holder.
BAchargebackTotalDecimal (xx.xx format)Y-if isChargedbackThe amount of the chargeback.
BBchargebackDateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Y-if isChargedbackThe date on which the chargeback was issued.
BCchargebackReasonCodevarchar(10)Y-if isChargedbackCard issuer's chargeback code.

A token identifying the customer payment source at the 3rd party gateway. This is commonly used to run existing rebills when the full card numbers are unavailable and when gateway-supported. -note: if provided, cardNumber column may be masked with either x's or asterisks.

BEquantityintegerNThe quantity of the product.  If not provided or not greater than 0, then it will be set to 1.
BFvariantDetailIdintegerNThe CheckoutChamp variantDetailId that indicates which variant of the product the transaction was for. (Found on the product page).  The variant must exist on the CheckoutChamp product.

*NOTE: The final file should be in .csv file. We highly recommend quoting all cells to avoid formatting issues with strings that contain commas or quotation marks. Pay extra attention to the Card Number field as spreadsheet files have a bad habit of truncating card numbers to 15 significant digits.

- Customer Notes - The Customer Notes file contains exactly that -- notes on customer service actions that affect customer orders.

Field Definitions:

AcustomerIdvarchar(20)YYour internal customer id for this customer.
This must match the customerId in the transactions file
BdateCreateddatetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)Ythe date the note was taken
CagentNamevarchar(20)NName of the individual customer service agent.
(Leave empty for system notes)
DnoteTextvarchar(500)YThe note itself

- Additional Customer Details - So you store as much information about every customer as possible? We do too! This file is for all the additional information you collect on customers, such as custom fields, club memberships and website username / passwords.

Field Definitions:

AcustomerIdvarchar(20)YYour internal customer id for this customer.
This must match the customerId in the transactions file
BloginIdvarchar(30)NloginId or username for a third-party site
Cpasswordvarchar(30)Npassword for a third-party site
Dcustom1varchar(50)Nstandard custom field 1
Ecustom2varchar(50)Nstandard custom field 2
Fcustom3varchar(50)Nstandard custom field 3
Gcustom4varchar(50)Nstandard custom field 4
Hcustom5varchar(50)Nstandard custom field 5

Providing the files to CheckoutChamp :

  • Since these files contain credit card numbers and bank account numbers, they cannot be transferred over email. Your CheckoutChamp Legacy Import Specialist will provide you with a secure sftp account to which to can post the files. Once your files are transferred to the CheckoutChamp SFTP site, the CheckoutChamp team will work with you to import your data.
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