
No card details are stored for merchants using Afterpay’s Payment Gateway

Afterpay will work with Form-code and landers that connect to Konnektive via Direct API. This will NOT work with Order Entry.

Afterpay will only work for one-time purchases, it will NOT work for recurring billing/subscriptions nor one-click upsells.


Konnektive setup

Go to Gateways | Gateway Integrations and select the Afterpay button. Click on +Activate.

Enter the following information specific to Afterpay:

Click the green Create Gateway button to save your changes and create the gateway


Konnektive setup

Assign the gateway to campaign products


Checkout page setup

A checkout page should be secure HTTPS. A non-secured call to the Afterpay gateway will be rejected.

Pass paySource=PREPAID and prepaidType=AFTERPAY on the import order API call from your checkout page. Do not pass any other card information.

One option is to use hidden input fields on the page

<input type="hidden" name='paySource' value="PREPAID">
<input type='hidden' name='prepaidType' value='AFTERPAY'>


Checkout page setup

The checkout page must handle a merchant redirect exception. The consumer will be routed to Afterpay to complete the checkout.

Basic 3DS Instructions