Shipping profiles can be used for various shipping activities. You can set up different shipping methods, apply a ship price to an entire order, upcharge shipping for specific reasons, and more.

This article will show how to set up a Shipping Profile within a campaign.

Create Shipping Profiles

Navigate to CRM>Campaigns and edit the campaign you’d like to add a shipping profile to. Scroll down to this section which gives you the ability to add shipping price rules for your customers. Click “Create Profile”.

Choose the following:

Click Create then click Edit to create the shipping rules.

On the left side you will see a few options:

If you choose one of these option click on "Update" to save the setting.

On the right side of the page you will see Profile Pricing.

Here you will have the option to set shipping prices based off region and what product it applies to.

If you enable the “Entire Order” checkbox option then you can not choose a specific product rule.

If you already created a rule before attempting to enable the “Entire Order” option then this option will not save. If the option is not saving then you need to delete all existing rules before enabling the “Entire Order” option.

Entire Order is to only charge X amount for the entire order. Where All Products rules charge X amount for each shippable item that was purchased. Trying to set “Entire Order” option while a product rule is created is a conflict of logic and will not work.