
  1. Checkout Champ Attestation of Compliance (This will be located in the Zip file)

  2. Checkout Champ PGP Key (They will require this key in order to encrypt and send files to us)

  3. Server Credentials (This is the server that your processor will export files to)

  4. Import File (The file you will provide to us for import into the CRM. The base file will be provided to you in the Zip)


  1. Make the request for an export with your processor. Once their requirements for an export have been met they will send the data to the server credentials you provided to them.

  2. Inform us through the Checkout Champ Concierge ticket that the export was completed. We will then tokenize the file and provide it to you through the ticket.

  3. Map the export files fields to the Import file. The legacy Data import PDF will provide the field definitions and required columns.

  4. Send us the completed file through the Concierge ticket

  5. We will import a sample of the completed file

  6. Verify the sample. You will want to review the customers, verify the rebills and refunds work. If there are any issues let us know.

  7. If the samples pass the test we will import the rest of the data.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What is the merchantTxnId?

    1. This is the processors Transaction Id

  2. (Stripe) What is the externalToken?

    1. Typically in the Stripe file there will be a column with values that look like this (pm_1K9aRtKXsXQBYaESfe5508if) Put those values under externalToken. This is required for rebills and without them your subscriptions will fail.

  3. (Stripe) What is authCode?

    1. Typically in the Stripe file there will be a column with values that look like this (cus_Kmqdn9Nr2wO1MH) Put those values under authCode. This is required for rebills and without them your subscriptions will fail.

  4. Can I put any date in the import file?

    1. No, the dateCreated requires this specific format datetime (YYYY-MMDD HH:MM:SS)

    2. The nextBillDate requires this specific format date (YYYYMM-DD) and is required for Active subscriptions

  5. What if a required field is missing?

    1. In some cases you can use dummy data. For example phoneNumber can replaced with 1111111111 (No dashes or parentheses)

    2. You will need to check with your processor if they will accept the rebill without it. If they will then you should use dummy data.