This article will walk you through common customer service actions.

Navigate to CustomerCustomer Service to search for customers

Use the search fields to locate the Customer or Customers that you are looking for then click Search Orders

Click the correct customer’s name to open their customer profile

On the customer’s profile you can click the pencil icons to edit the customer's information:

Select the green Create New Order button to start a new order with that customer’s information or click the Start C/S Call button to call the phone number on record with a Phone Switch Plugin

In the History section on the right side of the profile, Select the green + Note button to add a note into the customer's History section:

Scroll down to display the orders related to this customer:

Scroll down further, you can see all of the Transactions and Fulfillments related to this customer:

Refund VS Void

Void transactions are different from refunds in that they are used to revert a pending charge that has not settled yet. An unsettled transaction cannot be refunded because no money has been actually transferred from the customer’s debit or credit card company to the merchant. It is not possible to do a partial void.

Refunds are issued after a transaction has settled and the customer has paid for the good or service. The refund action will refund the amount back to the card holder’s bank account.

If a refund fails then it will go into a refund queue where the system will try to refund the transaction again automatically once a day for 3 days - if it fails after the 3rd attempt then it will be removed from the refund queue and an email will be sent to the emails inside the Notify Emails section

Interact with the customer's purchase by either clicking on the Order ID or the Product Name in the Order section:

Click on the Order ID and it will bring you to the Order Summary page where you can:

Click on the Product ID and it will take you to the Purchase Details screen where you can:

Resend a Refund or Void Email:

When an order is refunded or voided, you can resend the email to inform the customer.

From the Transaction List, select ‘Actions’ and ‘Resent Refund Email’.

From the Order Summary Page, select “Resend Email'

Customer Service Agents do not have the ability to blacklist customers via the customer profile, this is reserved for Customer Service Admins.