Konnektive CRM is integrated to eMerchantPays's 3DS proprietary payment gateway.

Do not create a new eMerchantPay or eMerchantPay V2 gateway. Use only the V3 gateway.

For recurring billing, eMerchantPay does not support auth/capture, chargeback protection or capture on shipment.


Step 1

Activate the eMerchantPay V3 gateway tile

Step 2

Enter eMerchantPay V3 credentials on your account

Enter username and password from your eMerchantPay account

Check the enhancedRebill box to process using eMerchantPay’s new recurring workflow. This workflow passes the recurring_type parameter.

Obtain tokens from eMerchantPay and enter the values that correspond to your transaction processing requirements.

If using ApplePay or GooglePay then include similar for each in terminalTokenAPM. These payment methods require a separate entry if rebills will be processed through Apple or Google. However the value may be the same (for example, APPLEPAY and APPLEPAY_REBILL may be the same token, and there must be an entry for each if recurring transactions are needed).

Step 3

Setup eMerchantPay on your checkout page and pass browserData on the Import Order API call:

Add a hidden input for browserData.

<input type="hidden" name="browserData" value="" id="browserData">

Add below script before the closing “body” tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
    const navigator = window.navigator;
    const browserData = {
        acceptHeader: 'application/json',
        userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
        language: navigator.language,
        timezone: (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset().toString(),
        colorDepth: screen.colorDepth,
        screen: {
            height: screen.height.toString(),
            width: screen.width.toString()
        javaScriptEnabled: true,
        javaEnabled: navigator.javaEnabled()
    document.getElementById('browserData').value = JSON.stringify(browserData);