Export Webhook Field Mapping Options
Listed below are the available field mappings for export webhooks:
Field | Description |
achAccountNumber | Customer’s banking account number (If paySource = CHECK) |
achAccountType | Checking account type (‘Checking’ or ’Savings’) (If paySource = CHECK) |
achRoutingNumber | Customer’s banking routing number (If paySource = CHECK) |
acquisitionDate | The date the partial record was created |
address1 | Line 1 of the customer’s billing address |
address2 | Line 2 of the customer’s billing address |
agentName | Name of the agent that completed the sale |
agentNote | The most recent agent note added to the customer’s profile. If the customer type is New Sale, Upsell, Partial, or Decline, it is the agent note at time of order instead. |
ani | The phone number that the sales call originated from |
basePrice | The base price of the product |
callTime | If the order was place via Order Entry, this will be the time the agent spent with the customer before the Sale or Disposition |
campaignId | The numerical value assigned to the campaign the order came through on |
campaignName | The assigned name of the campaign the order came through on |
cancelReason | Reason the order was cancelled |
cardExpiryDate | The customer’s card expiration date (MM/YY) |
cardLast4 | Last 4 digits of the card number |
cardMonth | The month the customer’s card expires |
cardType | The brand of the card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, etc) |
cardYear | The year the customer’s card expires |
chargebackAmount | The amount chargebacked |
chargebackDate | The date of the chargeback |
chargebackNote | Notes assigned to the chargeback |
chargebackReasonCode | Reason code assigned to the chargeback |
city | The customer’s billing city |
clientOrderId | The unique id assigned to an order |
clientProductId | The Client ID value assigned to a base product. First item on the order. |
clientPurchaseId | The unique id assigned to a subscription |
clientTxnId | The unique id assigned to a transaction For a refund or void this is the id of the original sale. If the actual id of the refund or void is needed then use refundClientTxnId. |
clubDisplayName | Display name of the membership club product |
clubName | The title of the Membership Club plugins |
clubPassword | Value specific to Membership Club plugins |
clubProductName | Base product name of the membership club product |
clubUsername | Value specific to Membership Club plugins |
contactOptIn | Boolean (‘1’ or ‘0’), represents if the customer has agreed to be contacted via SMS |
country | The customer’s billing country |
couponCode | The coupon code the customer used on the order |
currencyCode | Currency the customer used to pay for the order |
custom1 | The custom1 value passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
custom2 | The custom2 value passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
custom3 | The custom3 value passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
custom4 | The custom4 value passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
custom5 | The custom5 value passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
customerId | The unique customerId assigned to a customer |
customerType | The customer type that triggered the Export Profile. This is configured in the Export Routing Section. |
customFields | The data passed in via a campaign’s custom field. Will list all custom field values separated by commas |
dateCreated | The date the order was created |
dateRefunded | The date the refund was issued |
declineReason | Decline reason returned by the processor |
dnis | The phone number that was dialed |
dob | The customer’s date of birth |
doNotSellName | Boolean (‘1’ or ‘0’), represents if the customer is on your Do Not Sell list |
emailAddress | The customer’s email address |
firstName | The first name of the customer |
fulfillmentStatus | Will send the fulfillment status for the fulfillment record (Hold, Pending, Pending Shipment, Shipped, Delivered, Cancelled, RMA Pending, Returned) |
fullName | The full name of the customer |
gatewayTitle | The title of the gateway |
gender | The customer’s gender (Male or Female) |
hasUpsells | Boolean (‘1’ or ‘0’), represents if the customer purchased any upsells on the order |
ipAddress | The customer’s IP Address that was passed in for the order |
lastName | The last name of the customer |
marketingOptIn |
memberId | Value specific to Membership Club plugins |
nextBillDate | The next bill date of the subscription |
offerSku | The SKU assigned to the product |
orderCustomFields | Custom fields assigned to an order |
orderId | The numeric id assigned to an order |
orderStatus | Status of the order (Partial, Complete, Pending, Declined, Refunded) |
orderTotal | The total price of the order, without upsells |
originalClientOrderId | The initial unique id assigned to a subscription |
originalOrderId | The initial numeric id assigned to a subscription |
paySource | The pay source the customer used ('CREDITCARD','CHECK','ACCTONFILE','COD','PREPAID','APPLEPAY','GOOGLEPAY') |
paySourceId | Pay Source ID used on the transaction |
phoneNumber | The customer’s phone number |
postalCode | The customer’s billing postal code |
product1_billingCycleNumber | The current billing cycle the product1 purchase is on |
product1_campaignProductId | The numerical value of the product1 offer listed inside the campaign |
product1_crmId | The base product ID of the first item in the order |
product1_description | Product Description set on the base product |
product1_externalId | The external id of the product (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc…) |
product1_id | The external or 3rd party Client ID of the base product of the first item in the order |
product1_name | The assigned name of the product1 base product |
product1_price | The price the customer paid for the current billing cycle for product1 |
product1_productCategoryId | The numerical value of the product category of the product1 offer |
product1_productCategoryName | The name of the product category of the product1 offer |
product1_qty | The quantity of the product1 offer that the customer purchased |
product1_recurringstatus | If the offer is a recurring order, will send the purchase status for the product1 offer (‘Trial’,’Active’,’Recycle Billing’,’Recycle Failed’,’Complete’,’Cancelled’) |
product1_sku | The SKU for the product1 base product |
product2_billingCycleNumber | The current billing cycle the product2 purchase is on |
product2_campaignProductId | The numerical value of the product2 offer listed inside the campaign |
product2_crmId | The base product ID of the second item in the order |
product2_description | Product Description set on the base product |
product2_externalId | The external id of the product (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc…) |
product2_id | The external or 3rd party Client ID of the base product of the second item in the order |
product2_name | The assigned name of the product2 base product |
product2_price | The price the customer paid for the current billing cycle for product2 |
product2_productCategoryId | The numerical value of the product category of the product2 offer |
product2_productCategoryName | The name of the product category of the product2 offer |
product2_qty | The quantity of the product2 offer that the customer purchased |
product2_recurringstatus | If the offer is a recurring order, will send the purchase status for the product2 offer (‘Trial’,’Active’,’Recycle Billing’,’Recycle Failed’,’Complete’,’Cancelled’) |
product2_sku | The SKU for the product2 base product |
product3_billingCycleNumber | The current billing cycle the product3 purchase is on |
product3_campaignProductId | The numerical value of the product3 offer listed inside the campaign |
product3_crmId | The base product ID of the third item in the order |
product3_description | Product Description set on the base product |
product3_externalId | The external id of the product (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc…) |
product3_id | The external or 3rd party Client ID of the base product of the third item in the order |
product3_name | The assigned name of the product3 base product |
product3_price | The quantity of the product3 offer that the customer purchased |
product3_productCategoryId | The numerical value of the product category of the product3 offer |
product3_productCategoryName | The name of the product category of the product3 offer |
product3_qty | The quantity of the product3 offer that the customer purchased |
product3_recurringstatus | If the offer is a recurring order, will send the purchase status for the product3 offer (‘Trial’,’Active’,’Recycle Billing’,’Recycle Failed’,’Complete’,’Cancelled’) |
product3_sku | The SKU for the product3 base product |
product4_billingCycleNumber | The current billing cycle the product4 purchase is on |
product4_campaignProductId | The numerical value of the product4 offer listed inside the campaign |
product4_crmId | The base product ID of the forth item in the order |
product4_description | Product Description set on the base product |
product4_externalId | The external id of the product (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc…) |
product4_id | The external or 3rd party Client ID of the base product of the forth item in the order |
product4_name | The assigned name of the product4 base product |
product4_price | The price the customer paid for the current billing cycle for product4 |
product4_productCategoryId | The numerical value of the product category of the product4 offer |
product4_productCategoryName | The name of the product category of the product4 offer |
product4_qty | The quantity of the product4 offer that the customer purchased |
product4_recurringstatus | If the offer is a recurring order, will send the purchase status for the product4 offer (‘Trial’,’Active’,’Recycle Billing’,’Recycle Failed’,’Complete’,’Cancelled’) |
product4_sku | The SKU for the product4 base product |
product5_billingCycleNumber | The current billing cycle the product5 purchase is on |
product5_campaignProductId | The numerical value of the product5 offer listed inside the campaign |
product5_crmId | The base product ID of the fifth item in the order |
product5_description | Product Description set on the base product |
product5_externalId | The external id of the product (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc…) |
product5_id | The external or 3rd party Client ID of the base product of the fifth item in the order |
product5_name | The assigned name of the product5 base product |
product5_price | The price the customer paid for the current billing cycle for product5 |
product5_productCategoryId | The numerical value of the product category of the product5 offer |
product5_productCategoryName | The name of the product category of the product5 offer |
product5_qty | The quantity of the product5 offer that the customer purchased |
product5_recurringstatus | If the offer is a recurring order, will send the purchase status for the product5 offer (‘Trial’,’Active’,’Recycle Billing’,’Recycle Failed’,’Complete’,’Cancelled’) |
product5_sku | The SKU for the product5 base product |
productCost | Advertiser’s cost to manufacture/acquire the product (Expense Value) |
productId | The numerical value assigned to product on the CRM>Products page. First item on the order. |
productRotationIds | List of rotations on the base product |
pubId | The affiliate passed value that is marked as the “Is Publisher” value |
purchaseId | The numeric id assigned to a subscription |
refundReason | The stated reason the customer requested a refund |
recurringPrice | The recurring price the customer will pay for the product |
refundTxnId | The numeric id assigned to a refund or void |
refundClientTxnId | The unique id assigned to a refund or void |
rmaNumber | The RMA number assigned to a specific fulfillment record |
salesTax | The sales tax the customer paid on the order |
salesUrl | The Url of your landing page. |
shipAddress1 | Line 1 of the shipping recipient’s address |
shipAddress2 | Line 2 of the shipping recipient’s address |
shipCity | The shipping recipient’s city |
shipCountry | The shipping recipient’s country |
shipFirstName | The first name of the shipping recipient |
shipFullName | The full name of the shipping recipient |
shipLastName | The last name of the shipping recipient |
shippingCost | Advertiser’s cost to ship the product (Expense value) |
shipPostalCode | The shipping recipient’s postal code |
shipProfileId | The value that represents a specific shipping profile within a campaign |
shipState | The shipping recipient’s state |
sourceId | The affiliate Id value that represents the affiliate profile |
sourceValue1 | The source value 1 passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
sourceValue2 | The source value 2 passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
sourceValue3 | The source value 3 passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
sourceValue4 | The source value 4 passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
sourceValue5 | The source value 5 passed in on Import Lead API or Import Order API |
state | The customer’s billing state |
subAffId | The affiliate passed value that is marked as the “Is Sub Affiliate” value |
timeCreated | The time the order was created |
totalDiscount | The total discount applied to the order |
totalPrice | Represents orderTotal + upsells + totalShipping |
totalShipping | The total price the customer paid for shipping on the order |
trackingNumber | The tracking number assigned to a specific fulfillment record |
transactionId | The numeric id assigned to the transaction. For a refund or void this is the id of the original sale. If the actual id of the refund or void is needed then use refundTxnId. |
voiceLogNumber | Value that is passed in from a Phone Switch plugin |