| |
address1 | Customer’s Billing Address |
address2 | Customer’s Billing Address 2 |
amountPaid | The total amount paid on the order |
baseCurrencyCode | Currency Code that the order was ran in |
baseCurrencySymbol | Symbol of the currency that the order was in |
basePrice | Amount paid for the items on the order, before shipping and taxes |
baseShipping | Amount paid on the order for shipping |
campaignId | The ID of the campaign that the order went against |
campaignName | The name of the campaign that the order went against |
cardExpiryDate | The expiration date of the credit card |
cardIsDebit | Indicates if the card used was a Debit card |
cardIsPrepaid | Indicates if the card used was a Prepaid card |
cardLast4 | The last 4 digits of the card number |
cardType | The brand the card belongs to (Visa, MasterCard, etc) |
city | The customer’s billing city |
companyName | The customer’s company name |
country | The customer’s billing country |
couponCode | Coupon(s) used on the order |
currencyCode | The currency code that the order was displayed in |
currencySymbol | Currency symbol that was displayed on the page |
custom1 | CheckoutChamp Funnel Name |
custom2 | CheckoutChamp Page Name |
custom3 | Additional tracking value |
custom4 | Additional tracking value |
custom5 | Additional tracking value |
customerId | The numerical value assigned to each unique customer |
dateCreated | The date the order was created |
discountPrice | The amount discounted after any coupons |
emailAddress | The customer’s email address |
firstName | The customers first name |
ibanLast4 | The last 4 digits of the customers International Bank Account Number |
ipAddress | The customer’s IP Address |
items | The items on the order [productId: W, name: X, qty: Y, productSku: Z] |
lastName | The customer’s last name |
merchantTxnId | The ID assigned to the transaction by the gateway |
name | The customer’s full name |
orderId | The customer’s orderId |
orderStatus | The status of the order |
orderType | The order type (NEW_SALE) |
orderValue | The value of the order, before shipping and taxes |
paySource | The payment method used on the order |
phoneNumber | The customer’s phone number |
postalCode | The customer’s billing zip code |
reviewStatus | Indicates if the order needs to be reviewed in QA |
salesTax | Sales tax that was billed on the order |
salesUrl | The URL where the sale took place |
shipAddress1 | The customer’s shipping address |
shipAddress2 | The customer’s shipping address 2 |
shipCarrier | The shipping carrier, as determined by a shipProfile |
shipCity | The customer’s shipping city |
shipCompanyName | The customer’s shipping Company Name |
shipCountry | The customer’s shipping country |
shipFirstName | The customer’s shipping first name |
shipLastName | The customer’s shipping last name |
shipmentInsurancePrice | The amount paid for shipping insurance |
shipmentInsured | Indicates if shipping insurance was purchased |
shipMethod | The method of shipping, as determined by a shipProfile |
shipPostalCode | The customer’s shipping zip code |
shipProfileId | The ID associated with the customers chosen shipping profile |
shipState | The customer’s shipping state |
shipTotal | The total amount charged for shipping |
shipUpcharge | The total amount billing in shipping upcharges |
sourceId | The affiliate ID that was captured on the order |
sourceValue1 | Affiliate tracking data |
sourceValue2 | Affiliate tracking data |
sourceValue3 | Affiliate tracking data |
sourceValue4 | Affiliate tracking data |
sourceValue5 | Affiliate tracking data |
state | The customer’s billing state |
subTotal | The sub total of the order |
surcharge | The amount charged as a surcharge |
taxExemption | Indicates if there was a tax exemption |
taxRate | The rate billed for taxes |
taxTotal | The total amount billed for taxes |
totalAmount | The total amount billed, including shipping and taxes |
totalDiscount | The total amount discounted after any coupons |