SEPA (Checkout Champ)

SEPA is supported through Stripe V2 and Checkout V2 payment gateways

Step 1: Login and navigate to the funnel you’d like to add SEPA to

Step 2: Click the gear button on the top left to open Settings

Step 3: Open the Payments section

Step 4: Add StripeV2 and CheckoutV2 gateway credentials

  • StripeV2 and CheckoutV2 gateways can be selected here


  1. Enter a Title to easily identify your SEPA account

  2. Add the public_key and private_key obtained from your SEPA account

  3. Add account Limits, Descriptor, and Mid #

Step 5: Save and Continue

Step 6: Edit Checkout page and add SEPA button



Step 6-1(button): Customize button size by clicking on the button and dragging the highlighted corners or use the Dimension tab for advanced edits. Under the Settings for the element, be sure the Action is set to Submit + Route



Step 6-1(radio): Add a radio button to the page. You may design this to your preference.

Step 6-2(radio): Select the radio button and change the settings so the Name is “payment_method”. This may also be used with the payment toggler by setting the name to “fk-payment-option-toggler“. Then set the Value of the radio button to “SEPA_DEBIT“ in all caps.



Step 7: Save the page. Exit the page builder.

Step 8: On the arrow leaving the checkout page, choose the SEPA button.


Step 9: Publish. You’re done and ready to test!

SEPA payments require the customer pass their IBAN number

  • Choose the building blocks and navigate to Forms

  • Drag an Input around the SEPA button and set it to IBAN