Order Entry

The Order Entry page is located under Customer → Order Entry

This page provides an order form for users to manually place inbound or outbound sales calls. Sales scripts can also be posted for agents to follow. A call timer along with the Agent’s Call Center and Team will display at the top of the page.

Order Entry will not work with gateways that require 3DS authentication or hosted payment form. In addition, Order Entry will not work with any alternative payment methods such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna, iDEAL, etc.


A phone campaign with the “List in Order Entry” option enabled is required.

If you do not have a phone campaign set to be listed in Order Entry, you will see this error:

You can easily duplicate an existing campaign into a Phone campaign, otherwise you can create a new campaign as normal using the Phone campaign type.

Order Entry Sections


Select the campaign that the order will be placed against. If there is only one campaign listed for order entry then this dropdown will be disabled.

Sales Scripts

A Main sales script, Rebuttal script, and Upsell sales scripts can be added inside of the campaign. These will display on the right side of the Order Entry page for agents to follow/reference.

Billing and Shipping Information

Use the “Shipping same as Billing” toggle to profile the shipping information with the billing information.

Fill in the customer’s Billing Information and Shipping Information.

Pre-filling the Billing, Shipping, and Payment Information

If the agent is placing the order for a returning customer, using the Create New Order button on the customer’s profile will pre-fill the order entry form. Follow our Customer Service Tutorial to view the customer’s profile.

If the agent is placing the order for a customer who had placed a Partial order, it is possible to open an Order Entry page for the Lander/Ecommerce campaign types. Follow our Customer Service Tutorial to view the customer’s profile, then open the orderId of the customer’s partial order and click the green “Complete Order” button.

Payment Information

Use the Credit Card option when placing the orders with a Credit Card, Debit Card, or Prepaid Card.

The Pre-Auth Card button will run a $1 preauthorization to the gateway that the offer is assigned to. This is used to check if the card is valid, prior to proceeding with placing the sale.

The eCheck option if the gateway assigned to the offers/upsells accepts ACH payments.

The External Payment option should be used if the customer provided payment outside of the CRM.

This option is also commonly used to provide a free shipment to customers as a courtesy gesture, or to resolve an order/shipping issue.

Orders placed with External Payment will not process a payment to the gateway but it WILL generate a fulfillment record.

By default, these orders will be placed in a Pending status and will need to be approved before the order will export out to a fulfillment plugin. The orders can be found under Customer → Quality Assurance to be approved or denied.

This QA process can be skipped by enabling the Prepaid Skip QA toggle in the Additional Options on the CRM’s Account settings page.

Select Products


The offers and upsells displayed in this section are the same offers and upsells that are available within the campaign. Hover over the info bubble to see some information about the offer


Use the quantity selector to choose how many of each product will be purchased. As the Quantity is adjusted, you will see the Total Price, Total Shipping, Sales Tax (if applicable), and Grand Total reflect the cart totals.

If you do not see a Quantity selector on a product, this means that the product has variants. Click the small arrow button to reveal the variants and select the quantity.

Price and Shipping Price

If the CRM’s Account settings permit, the Price and Shipping prices can be adjusted.

If agents are allowed to adjust prices, it is highly recommended to place Order Limits on your campaign offers and upsells.


If the customer has a coupon code, or if you provide your agents with coupon codes to use, those can be entered here. If the coupon is valid you will see validation message under the field and a Discount line will display showing the discount the coupon is earning.

Multiple coupons may be applied if the campaign’s settings permit. Coupons can be removed by clicking the red “X” button.

Shipping Profile

The shipping profiles displayed in this dropdown are configured within the campaign.

Selecting a shipping profile will adjust the shipping rates on the products/order accordingly.

Custom Fields

The Custom Fields section will display any custom field options that have been created inside the campaign.

You can offer custom fields as text inputs, checkbox inputs, or drop-down inputs.

These values are stored onto the customer profile only - not the order.

If custom fields have not been configured within the campaign, then this section will not be present on the Order Entry form.

Other Information

This section is mostly optional, but allows you to store additional information to the order/customer.

Affiliate : Select an affiliate to attribute the sale to.

DNIS : Store the DNIS value from a phone software.

ANI : Store the ANI value from a phone software.

Voice Log # : Store a voice log # from a phone software.

Date of Birth : Store the customer’s date of birth.

Custom 1-5 : These values can be used to store any other piece of information that you would like to store. It is recommended to use the campaign’s custom fields if possible.

Override Trial de-duping : This will force the CRM to accept the sale, even if the customer has already purchased a selected trial product.

Do Not Sell Name : Enabling this option will opt-out the customer from marketing emails.

Agrees to Terms of Service : This option must be selected if the campaign settings require ToS to be approved.

Agree to SMS Contact : Enabling this option will send the customer’s phone number to any configured SMS plugins.

Gender : Store the customer’s gender.

Agent Notes : Use this section to place any order notes with the order. Agent notes will display in green on the customer profile.


After the Order Entry form has been filled out, click the green Process button to place the order.

If successful the page will refresh to the Order Summary page for that order.

If declined, an error message will display on the Order Entry page.


If the customer does not want to proceed with the sale, click the No Sale button to generate a Partial order for the customer. This will save the information that you have gathered to that point (except billing information).

Drafting Orders For Customers

You can collect order information from customers over the phone or your preferred customer service application and send them an email with their information and products loaded into the cart for a more secure and convenient checkout.

  1. Open order entry and enter the customer information if provided, add the products to the cart.

  2. Confirm the information and click No Sale.

  3. Grab the order id from the partial order and append it to the URL with a '?' before it.

  1. Add &includeProducts=1 to the end of the URL.