Account Updater

The Account Updater Report is found under Reports → Payments → Account Updater

This report shows an Overall Summary and details about the account update batches that were sent to and received from an account updater plugin.

Use the Date Range and Filter selections to refine your search.

  • Date Range : Use the defaulted date ranges or specific dates to find the batches.

  • Plugin : Filter to batches from a specific account updater plugin.

  • Batch Id : Filter to a specific batchId of a batch that was sent to the account updater service.

  • Type (By Card Table) : Filter to a specific update type (Account Number, Expiration Date, Contact Cardholder, or Account Closed)

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the Overall Summary and data tables.

Overall provides a summary of the cards which have been updated along with the revenue they represent based on the date filters selected.

  • Source : The account updater plugin.

  • Attempted : The amount of attempted account updates.

  • Billable : The number of accounts which were updated and subject to the Rate per Card Update.

  • Updated : The amount of accounts updated.

  • Closed : The amount of accounts that were found to be closed.

  • CCH : The amount of accounts where the response was Contact Cardholder.

  • Revenue : The total revenue generated (to this point) from the updated accounts.


The table at the bottom of the page shows the details of the filtered batches:

Account Updater Table Definitions

By Batch provides the following details by Batch Number:

  • Source : The account updater plugin

  • Data Submitted : The date the update was requested

  • Date Processed : The date the update or the status was completed.

  • Batch ID : The batch the card was sent for update.

  • Attempted : The number of cards which qualified for the batch.

  • Billable : The number of accounts which were updated and subject to the Rate per Card Update.

  • Updated : The number of billable cards which were updated.

  • Closed : The number of cards which have been closed and could not be updated.

  • CCH : Contact Card Holder - This status is when the card could not be updated and follow up is required with the customer to ensure accurate payment details are on the account.

  • Revenue : The amount of revenue billed (so far) for that batch of updated cards.

The By Card tab will show you the updates that have been made with the following details:

  • Source : The account updater plugin

  • Data Submitted : The date the update was requested

  • Date Processed : The date the update or the status was completed.

  • Batch : The batch the card was sent for update.

  • Account : The updated card last 4 or the old card, which was not updated last 4.

  • Update Type : The type of update which occurred -

    • Account Number - Account Number Updated

    • Expiration Date - The Expiration Date was Updated

    • Account Number & Expiration Date - Both Account Number and Expiration Date were updated

  • Customer : The Customer whose card is being updated

  • Revenue : This represents the amount of revenue billed on the new card. If the account has not billed since the update, then this column will be blank.

Note that the By Card tab allows a filter by Update Type

The Active Batch tab will display card batches that are in progress.

  • Source : The account updater plugin.

  • Date Submitted : The date the update was requested.

  • Batch Id : The internal batch the card was sent for update.

  • External Batch Id : The external batch the card was sent for update.

  • Attempted : The number of cards which qualified for the batch.

  • Status : The status of the update.

    • Pending : The batch has been sent to the account updater plugin

    • Submitted : The batch has been submitted by the account updater plugin and they have yet to receive updates back.

  • Remark : Shows if there was a note or issue with the batch.

Billable Updates

*Note: The Rate per Card Update is applied to the following update statuses:

  • Account Number - Account Number Updated

  • Expiration Date - The Expiration Date was Updated

  • Account Number & Expiration Date - Both Account Number and Expiration Date were updated

  • Contact Card Holder

  • Account Closed