
SendLane allows you to manage your email leads and send customized emails by creating Lists which are attached to Campaigns. After you sign up with SendLane, you will receive an API Key, a Hash and a sub-domain. You can see them by clicking on your name on the top right corner of your SendLane home page and then clicking "Account Settings".

Note: The sub-domain is the string before the first dot in the URL (ex. YOURSUBDOMAIN should be entered into the SubDomain field located in the edit area of the plugin.

To export your Konnektive leads to SendLane, follow these steps:

1. Create a Campaign at SendLane by clicking Campaigns from the side menu and then clicking Create Campaign. Follow the steps as you are instructed. You will then be prompted to create a List, if you have none. Lists at SendLane are attached to Campaigns, which allows for flexible lead management. You will need to create at least one List in order to export your Konnektive leads.

2. At Konnektive CRM, click Plugins under the Admin tab, then select Email Service Providers. Select SendLane and then click Activate. You will then be prompted to enter your API Key, Hash Key and sub-domain provided to you by SendLane. Enter those and click Connect. Note: the plugin will launch even if you entered wrong information, however it will not function and will display an error when you try to create a Campaign Route. Make sure that you copy and paste the information exactly as it appears on your SendLane Account.

3. Create at least one Campaign Route at Konnektive. Select the SendLane plugin and then click the blue Edit Plugin button. Then click green Plus (add) button on the top right corner of your Konnektive Plugin page. Select the customer type you wish to export to SendLane and optionally the specfic Campaign or Product. The bottom Select will display your SendLane Lists. Select the List to which you want to attach the leads and then click Create. You can create as many campaign routes as you wish. Keep in mind that if you create a campaign route for Partials that includes "all campaigns" and assign them to List A and then you create another campaign route for Partials specific for Campaign X and assign it to another SendLane List, Campaign X Partials will be exported twice and added to both Lists.

You are done! Your Konnektive leads will now be automatically exported to SendLane as you specified in your Campaign Routing setup. Here is an example of an exported Konnektive lead as it should appear in your SendLane account (by clicking on Subscribers and then the specific lead):