Adding C.O.D. to Campaigns
Notice: COD pay source can only be used for straight sales.
Adding the Cash Delivery Option to a Campaign.
Select CRM> Campaigns from the Navigation Side Bar Menu.
On the Campaigns Page Click on the blue "Edit Icon" located next to the Campaign.
In the General Details section under Billing Options check the box next to Accept Cash on Delivery Orders then click the blue Update Button.
Note: Orders will be approved for shipment and a payment will be collected upon delivery.
Adding a new Product to a campaign with C.O.D still requires a Merchant account.
On the Campaign page select the Offers bar and click on the red Options Button.
Select Add Offer
This will open up the Create New Offer page. Under General Details go to the "Merchant Account" field and select a Merchant from the drop-down menu.
Once finished creating a new offer click on the green Create Product Button.
Note: By selecting a merchant for the product it still allows the customer the option to pay with Credit Card at check out.
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