Social Proof
Social Proof has been sunsetted and is no longer supported
From Admin > Plugins > Data Sources > Social Proof
Select Activate
Specify your domain. When you select Activate, the data will be sent to SocialProof and a WidgetId will be returned which can be viewed by selecting the SocialProof tile and Edit.
A SocialProof plugin will need to be configured for each domain you would like to add SocialProof to.
Once SocialProof is configured, you will be able to see your statistics on the SocialProof dashboard.
By selecting Dashboard, you will see the Social Proof dashboard.
From the Dashboard, you will see your Metrics, you can View and Edit Widgets,
Actions are custom labels for the pop ups which social proof will display. When you configure an action, it can be added to your Widget.
Testimonials can be set up to display customer sentiment and feedback on your page.
Select 'Add'
When a Testimonial is Approved, it is live. You can deselect Approved for Testimonials which are still in review status. Unapproved Testimonials will not be displayed on your website until they are Approved.
Select 'Widget' to Edit the Widget and View the form code for each Widget.
Edit the Widget to configure the details.
Set the Enabled Status and specify the Widget Name and select Next.
Specify the Campaign for your Widget and select Next.
Configured your Template:
Actions can be set to ‘NO call to action’ or ‘Enable call to action’.
A preview of the Call to Action will dynamically display in the right pane.
Pop Up
Scroll down to configure your Pop Up
Define your Options. You can set the size of your icon and the icon which displays on your Action.
You can configured the following options for the Action:
Add user address to the popup
Enable product count
Specify whether Testimonials are enabled.
Select ‘Submit’ to save or ‘Previous’ to navigate through Widget configuration.
Once your Widget has been configured you are ready to get your form code.
Select 'Preview'
View your Widgets form code. This is the code you will add to your page.
If you are using FunnelKonnekt please read this article instead of manually adding this code to your page.
If you have added the form code to your page, any modifications you have made to the Widget configuration which are enabled will be reflected immediately. There is no need to copy the Widget again.