Order Details

The Order Details Report is found under Reports → Customers → Order Details

This report is designed to show the individual orders that have been placed within your CRM.

Use the Date Range and Filter selections to refine your search.

  • Date Range : Use the defaulted date ranges or specific dates to find the orders.

  • Campaign : Filter for orders within a specific Campaign, or multiple campaigns.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for orders within a specific Campaign Category, or multiple Campaign Categories.

  • Product : Filter for orders where a specific product was purchased.

  • Product Category : Filters for orders where the products purchased were within a specific Product Category.

  • Campaign Product : Filter for orders where a specific campaign product was purchased.

  • Coupon Code : Filter for orders where a specific coupon code was used.

  • Affiliates : Filter for orders that came from a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for orders that came from a specific Call Center.

  • Agent : Filter for orders that came from a specific Agent within your account.

  • Base Currency : Filter for orders that were processed in a specific base currency.

  • Order Status : Filter for orders in a specific order status.

  • Gateway : Filter for orders that were processed against a specific gateway.

  • Pay Source : Filter for orders that used a specific Pay Source.

  • Prepaid Cards : Filter for orders that used a Prepaid card.

  • 3DSecure : Filter for orders that are Protected or Not Protected.

  • Funnel : Filter for orders that came from a specific funnel.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.


The charts provide a visual representation for the amount of Partials (Leads), Sales and Declines that fit within the filters you’ve selected. You may select to view the chart as a bar graph or a line graph.

  • Leads - the amount of Leads/Partials acquired during a specified date range.

  • Sales - the amount of Sales made in a specified date range.

  • Declines - the amount of Declined transactions in a specified date range.

The table at the bottom of the page shows the details of the filtered orders:

Order Details Table Header Definitions

  • Select : Click the Checkbox to include the order in a batch update.

  • Date Created : The date the order was made.

  • Campaign : The campaign the order was created under.

  • Source : The Affiliate that the order was created under.

  • Order : The orderId above the status of that order.

  • Type : New Sale or Recurring.

  • Cust # : The internal CheckoutChamp customer Id.

  • Customer : The name of the customer.

  • Total : The total amount of the order.

  • Refunded : The amount refunded or voided.

  • Products : The products purchased under the order.

  • Country : ISO-2 Country Code.

  • Card : The last four digits and type of the card used for the order.