


Obtain merchantID and merchantSecret from Cardstream. If you intend to send merchantPwd, please configure it on your Merchant Account with Cardstream. Choose to optionally use Secure 3DS.



Activate and edit the Cardstream gateway


Enter merchantID, merchantPwd, and merchantSecret from Cardstream.

Choose to process using Cardstream native secure3DS. If Yes then also consider the force3DS option.

  • checked = Decline if 3DS is not enabled on the card

  • unchecked = 3DS is not required

Check with Cardstream to verify if 3DS is required on your account.

Note: The secure3DS option is overwritten by third-party 3DS, such as PAAY. If third-party 3DS parameters are passed from the page, then those parameters will be sent to Cardstream and the secure3DS and force3DS options are ignored for that order.




For Secure 3DS it may be required to pass browserData and ipAddress on the Import Order API call.

Add the hidden input browserData inside of the same form as the card input.

<input type="hidden" name="browserData" value="" id="browserData">



Add this script to your page before the closing body tag.

Script to get browserData: <script type="text/javascript"> const navigator = window.navigator; const browserData = { acceptHeader: 'application/json', colorDepth: screen.colorDepth, javaEnabled: navigator.javaEnabled(), javaScriptEnabled: true, language: navigator.language, screenHeight: screen.height, screenWidth: screen.width, timeZoneOffset: (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset().toString(), userAgent: navigator.userAgent }; document.getElementById('browserData').value = JSON.stringify(browserData); </script>



For Secure 3DS the checkout and upsell pages must support 3DS redirects