Checkout Champ Onboarding & Activation

Onboarding and Activation Steps

Items needed to configure your account quickly:

Please follow Step 1 from the appropriate storefront’s article:

Each gateway type uses their own set of credentials to connect. To find which credentials you’ll need for your gateway, navigate to the CRM side of your account

Then go to Gateways>Gateway List>Add Gateway

Choose your Gateway from the Gateway drop down (type into the field to search) to reveal the credentials that the gateway uses.

Feel free to add the gateway now if you’d like. You can also add these later on in the article steps.

If you are using Shopify to fulfill your orders, please skip these instructions

Each fulfillment house uses their own set of credentials to connect. To find which credentials you’ll need for your fulfillment house, navigate to the CRM side of your account

Then go to Admin>Plugins>Fulfillment House Listing

Find your fulfillment house from the list and then click the Activate button

Feel free to add the fulfillment house now if you’d like. You can also add this later on in the article steps.

If you are using Shopify to send transactional emails, please skip these instructions

SMTP Credentials will include:

  • Host Name

  • Username

  • From Email

  • Password

  • Port Number

  • Use SSL or STARTTLS?

  • Use Relay?

Host Name, Port Number, SSL/STARTTLS, and Relay options can normally be found with a Google search. See these instructions if you are using SendGrid for your SMTP emails.

Each ESP uses their own set of credentials to connect. To find which credentials you’ll need for your ESP plug in, navigate to the CRM side of your account

Then go to Admin>Plugins>Email Service Providers

Find your ESP from the list and then click the Activate button

Feel free to add the ESP now if you’d like. You can also add these later on in the article steps.

Please follow the steps below to set up your CheckoutChamp account quickly and properly.

1 - Follow Checkout Wizard

Sign into the CheckoutChamp funnel builder and click the “Create a Checkout” button on the left side of the Dashboard page.

Choose Checkout

Choose your storefront, add the credentials, then click “Sync Products”. This will bring all of your product SKUs and variations, descriptions and images into the system. It will also create a campaign adding all of the products and prices into that campaign.

If your storefront is currently taking live traffic DO NOT follow redirect instructions until you have completed all other steps.

Domain Entry

In the next step you will add your Checkout Domain into CheckoutChamp to retrieve the CNAME records.

When the CNAME records display, copy and paste the CNAMES to your Nameservers at your domain registrar. There is a link to a full Domain Configuration Guide on this domain details window. The SSL Certification can take some time so it’s best to do this as soon as possible so we can set up the rest of the account while we wait.

If you are not ready for this step yet, skip this step and be sure to follow the Domain Configuration Guide before you publish your checkout funnel and begin testing.

Merchant Account

The Merchant Account section is to add the gateways in which the credit card sales will be running against. This merchant account will be auto applied to the offers and upsells that are imported from the product sync.

Choose the first option to apply for a new merchant account through Merchant Connect.

Choose the second option if you already have a merchant account but need to add it to the system.

Choose the third option if your merchant account is already added to the system and select the gateway.

Skip this step if needed and be sure to follow this documentation to add your merchant accounts to the funnel before testing.

PayPal Account

The PayPal Account section is to add the PayPal account in which the PayPal sales will be running against.

Choose the first option to apply for a new PayPal account. (Coming Soon!!)

Choose the second option if you already have a merchant account but need to add it to the system.

Choose the third option if your merchant account is already added to the system and select the gateway.

Skip this step if needed and follow this documentation to add your PayPal accounts to the funnel later on.


The Fulfillment section is to add the fulfillment software that the orders will be sent to and shipped from.

Choose the first option if you already have your fulfillment house added to the system and select that fulfillment house.

Choose the second option if you still need to add your fulfillment house to the system.

Choose the third option if you are selling digital, non-shippable products.

Choose the fourth option if you will continue to fulfill using Shopify’s fulfillment integrations

Skip this section and follow this documentation to add your fulfillment software before you begin testing.

2 - Edit Funnel and Funnel Settings

Edit Funnel

After you complete the wizard you will be loaded into the Funnel Visualizer with a template for your Storefront selection.

Edit the pages and use the arrows to set the button routings. Unedited pages and arrows display as red.

Once all the pages and arrows are green you can then Publish the funnel.

Be sure to add your domain before publishing!


Add an Email Page Type and click it’s settings gear to configure email autoresponders. You do not need to connect arrows to the Email page.

Email Service Providers

Add your email service provider plugins on the CRM side of your account. ESPs do not send transactional emails but are instead used for email marketing. After you add an ESP plugin, edit the plugin to determine which customer types go to which ESP list.

Edit Funnel Settings

Edit the funnel’s settings on the top left of the Funnel Visualizer to change various settings and add any add-on services.

Name: The internal name used to identify the funnel.

Title: The title of your page will help you identify it on your Funnel Template page. This is also the title which will appear on the browser tab when you are previewing your title and when your Funnel is published.

Favicon: You can customize the icon on your Funnel's browser tab by uploading a Favicon. Favicons must be uploaded in .ico format. There are many free available tools which will convert your existing images into .ico files. Once you have loaded specified a Favicon, the visitors to your site will be able to see this on their browser tab.

Logo: You can place your company logo into this section and it will be applied throughout the funnel, preventing you from needing to upload the logo onto each page.

Campaign: Specify which Konnektive CRM campaign products will be sold on your funnel.

Use the other sections of this window to add coupons, tracking pixels, and Add-On services such as Fraud Manager (pre-transaction fraud screening) and PAAY 3DS (chargeback liability shift).



3 - Social Media and Affiliates

Social Media

Inside the Funnel Settings, open the Tracking Pixels section to add your various social media IDs.


Inside the Funnel Settings, click the Affiliates option to add a new or existing affiliate to the funnel/campaign.

On the CRM side of your account you can add conversion pixels to your affiliates under CRM>Affiliates. Please follow this documentation for information on adding conversion pixels:

Each affiliate must have their own affId (can be customized) which needs to be present on the URL for the affiliate to get credit for their sales and for the system to fire the conversion pixel. The affiliate’s url that the customer clicks on must contain this affId so the system knows who to attribute credit to.

Ex) ?affId=[affId]&products=....

4 - Overview and Testing

Before you test, use the CRM side of your account to get an overview on your configurations for your products, campaigns, gateways, fulfillment houses, SMTP auto-responders. Make sure everything looks as it should before you start your first test.


Navigate to:






Test Gateways and Fulfillment

It is recommended to create a PHONE campaign that is dedicated to testing new gateways and/or fulfillment houses. Please follow this article for more detailed information on how to test your gateway through the manual order entry page.

If your fulfillment house is applied to the base product you use in the testing campaign, you can test this while testing your gateway.

Test Funnel and Auto-responders

Go to your published checkout URL that the customers will checkout from.

Add a product to the cart by adding the product to the URL. This will display that product inside the checkout page as if the customer had selected it from your store front.

To add a product to the URL, follow this syntax:


Include a variant by adding a period and variantDetailId to the campaignProductId



With the product(s) in the cart, go ahead and follow your checkout funnel using a test card, live card, or live PayPal account.

Log into the CRM side of your account to search for your orderId and confirm all products were purchased and ran against the proper gateways. Also confirm that any order confirmation SMS or Email has sent.

If you tested with a live card or PayPal, your fulfillment record will move from HOLD status to PENDING status after your fulfillment delay has expired and the fulfillment task runs (once every hour).


5 - Implement Redirect

Once all the above steps are complete, your Nameservers are updated and SSL certificates are Validated, follow the instructions for your storefront on how to implement the redirect so that all of your sales will go to your new customized checkout pages.


When you are finished, do one last test by going to your store front, selecting products and then proceed to checkout. If you followed the steps above, you should be redirected to your CheckoutChamp checkout page with the products you had selected.

Check out with your CheckoutChamp Test Card or a live card to submit the order and follow your upsell flow. Then find your order inside CheckoutChamp to confirm everything looks as it should.


If you have any issues, please reach out to your account manager or submit a support ticket.
