BigCommerce Plugin - Checkout Champ

Checkout Champ provides the ability to automatically pull all BigCommerce products and push variant custom fields back to BigCommerce.

The BigCommerce cart page must be manually edited to redirect orders to the Checkout Champ checkout page.

Step 1 - BigCommerce store setup

1. Login to your store and click Advanced Settings


2. Click on “API Accounts”.


3. Click on the “Create API Account” button and then “Create V2/V3 API Token”.


4. Enter a name for the account. Set the permissions for all boxes to “modify”/”create”/”manage”. These expanded permissions allow the product and order syncs to occur. Once done press the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the page.


5. Once the app has been saved your API credentials will become visible. They will also automatically save to your computer. Please make a backup of these as they are required for the plugin setup in Checkout Champ.



Step 2 - Enter credentials in Checkout Champ

Your checkout may or may not have a BigCommerce page. If it does not, select the BigCommerce page on the left panel and drag it into the funnel

When the page is dropped into the funnel, the page Settings panel will open to enter credentials.


storeHash = your BigCommerce store hash. This can be found in the URL string of your store. It is also included in the .txt file with API credentials. In the following URL example, the bolded section is the store hash.

accessToken= your BigCommerce accessToken (required)

campaignId = do not enter or edit

billerId = optional. The billerId to assign to the CRM campaign products that will be created from the BigCommerce products. Entering a value here will save the effort of manually editing the campaign products to assign a gateway. billerId can be found on the Gateway list (CRM → Gateways Gateway List).


When finished press Create Plugin


Step 3 - Synchronize Products

This process will pull BigCommerce products into Checkout Champ and push the variant metafields back to your BigCommerce store.

Go to the Settings panel on the BigCommerce page and press the blue “Sync Products” button.



The BigCommerce Plugin contains a Synchronization Status which updates as the BigCommerce Sync progresses. These statuses can be found on the CRM side of your account, under Admin → Plugins → Data Sources → BigCommerce.

The following statuses will show in the Synchronization field:

Submitted: BigCommerce sync has been submitted but has not started yet. This happens as soon as you hit the blue “Sync Products” button.

In Progress: BigCommerce sync has started and is currently in progress. At this point your BigCommerce products should be importing into Konnektive.

Completed: BigCommerce sync is completed. All BigCommerce products have been pulled into Konnektive and variant custom fields have been updated in BigCommerce.

Failed: This status will display if the BigCommerce sync fails for any reason. Most cases it is due to the merchant client app not granting Konnektive proper permissions to hit their API.

Depending on how many products reside inside BigCommerce, it may take a little time for the sync to complete.

When complete you can view the imported products and variants by clicking CRM at the top of Checkout Champ and then navigate to CRM→Products and CRM→Campaigns




Step 4 - Checkout Page

If there is not already a Checkout page in your funnel, select the Checkout page option from the left panel and drag it onto the canvas. Select a template and customize the Checkout page.

Draw an arrow between the BigCommerce page and the Checkout page.

Add Upsell, Downsell and Thank You pages to the funnel as needed. Connect the pages with arrows and customize each page as needed.

When finished be sure to Publish your funnel.

See here for Checkout Redirect instructions.