Membership Portal with CustomClub Plugin

A Membership Portal will only allow users with an active subscription to log into the portal. You can create separate pages for “Active” and “Inactive” users so the user only sees the appropriate pages based on their subscription status. You can also offer more products for the customer to purchase.

CustomClub is an in-house Membership Platform built for Checkout Champ. Creating a membership portal with CustomClub provides your customers with login credentials so they can update their information, update card info, change their product, and also pause, cancel, or restart their membership.

You can create as many CustomClub plugins as you need and you can tie them to as many membership products as you need. CustomClub plugins can also be used across multiple campaigns.

It is best, however, that any given campaign only has a single CustomClub plugin associated with it as having multiple tied to the same campaign could cause issues with the system identifying the correct club to log the customer into, resulting with the Invalid Credentials error.

The article below will show you how to:

Create CustomClub Plugin

To Activate this plugin, navigate to the CRM side of your account and then go to Admin → Plugins → Membership Services


Fill in the plugin information, then click Connect to create

  • clubName - Internal identifying name

  • memberIdType -

    • File: Please reach out to your account manager for more information.

    • Sequential: (In sequence this will be assigned a member number based off when entered ex Membership 1, 2, 3... Etc.)

    • Phone Number: Create a membership based off the Phone number.

    • Random Hex: This is a random string of letters and numbers generated to each member entered into the system.

  • Check the "GenerateUserPass" Box if you want Konnektive to generate the users username and password (Can be emailed to customer, see bottom of article).

Apply CustomClub to base product

Once CustomClub is created, navigate to CRM → Products to apply the Membership to the Base Product.

  • Under Fulfillment Details fill in your details and select your Membership name and click on the "Blue" Update Button.

Note: With a membership applied to a base product, any purchase against this base product will activate the membership.


Create Membership Portal

Navigate back to the funnel builder and open your funnels area

  • If you’d like to use your sales funnel’s domain for membership portal, edit the funnel you’d like to add the membership portal to.

  • If using a separate domain for your membership portal, create a new funnel to tie the domain to.

  • In the dashboard, click on Create Sales Funnel, then click on the Browse Funnel Marketplace hyperlink for Membership Portal Templates that have already been designed and routed.


Next, within the funnel visualizer scroll down within the Page Types to open the Membership folder and use these page types to build your membership portal.

Below is an example of what a basic membership portal will look like:

The login page provides several options for the Login button:

  1. Login-Active will proceed an Active member to the routed page once the Login button is clicked

  2. Login-Inactive will proceed an Inactive member to the routed page once the Login button is clicked

  3. Login-Automatic will automatically proceed an identified member to the routed page without the customer needing to click the Login button

    • This can be achieved by passing the customers login information to the login page

You also have the option to choose which login area a customer sees based on the product they purchased. This is useful when offering a multi-tiered membership.


Publish Membership Portal

Once you are complete with building your membership portal, be sure to click the publish button so that those changes are reflected.


Test the Membership Portal

Now that the CustomClub is created and applied to your base product(s), place a test against those products to generate user credentials.

Once your test order is placed, go to the CRM side of your account and navigate to Customers>Customer Serivce to search for and open your customer profile. When inside the customer profile, click on Clubs to reveal the login credentials.


  • Send Membership Information to the customer through Initial Order, Recurring Order, or All Orders Event Type auto-responders using these Tokens-

    • Membername [clubMemberId]

    • Username [clubUsername]

    • Password [clubPassword]