Pay.On 3DS
Pay.On 3DS will work with Checkout Champ and landers that connect via Direct API. This will NOT work with Order Entry.
Go to Gateways | Gateway Integrations and select the Pay.On 3DS button. Click on +Activate.
Enter the following information specific to Pay.On 3DS:
entityId - Obtained from Pay.On
accessToken - Obtained from Pay.On
Additional options:
sendUpsellToken - If Upsell is needed
sendRebillDetails - send billing address on rebills
zeroAuth - Allow a zero amount transaction to be sent to the gateway. This is a good alternative to the Validate Card trial option.
enableCardOnFile - send standing instruction parameters
useTestServer - use the Pay.On test server. Be sure to uncheck this before running live traffic.
usePXP - enable this for PXP Financial processors
Click the green Create Gateway button to save your changes and create the gateway
Steps 2 and 3 can be skipped if using Checkout Champ hosted pages
Add the hidden input browserData inside of the same form as the card input.
<input type="hidden" name="browserData" value="" id="browserData">
Add this script to your page before the closing body tag.
Script to get browserData:
<script type="text/javascript">
const navigator = window.navigator;
const browserData = {
acceptHeader: 'application/json',
colorDepth: screen.colorDepth,
javaEnabled: navigator.javaEnabled(),
javaScriptEnabled: true,
language: navigator.language,
screenHeight: screen.height,
screenWidth: screen.width,
timeZoneOffset: (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset().toString(),
userAgent: navigator.userAgent
document.getElementById('browserData').value = JSON.stringify(browserData);
PXP Financial
Enable the usePXP toggle for PXP Financial processors