Stripe - Alternate Payments

The Stripe V2 gateway supports multiple alternative payment options

  • Bancontact

  • Giropay

  • iDEAL

  • SEPA

  • EPS

  • P24




No card details are stored for merchants using Stripe’s alternative payment options

SEPA supports recurring billing/subscriptions. All other options will only work for one-time purchases and will NOT work for recurring billing/subscriptions.

SEPA supports one-click upsells (using the original payment token on each upsell). All other options require the consumer to go through the full checkout again.

These payments will work with Checkout Champ hosted pages or sites that connect via Direct API. This will NOT work with form-code or via Order Entry.



Go to Gateways | Gateway Integrations and select StripeV2. Click on +Activate. Follow instructions here for setup.

Click the green Create Gateway button to save your changes and create the gateway. Note the ID of the gateway on the gateway list page, for use in Step 2.


Step 2 is not relevant if using Checkout Champ hosted pages. The payment options are built into the application. Drag the appropriate button(s) to your checkout page.


The checkout page must be secure HTTPS. A non-secured call will be rejected. Pass the following parameters on the Import Order or Import Upsale API call

  • paySource = PREPAID

  • forceMerchantId = the Stripe V2 id from Step 1

  • redirectsTo = the url where the browser should redirect on a successful transaction

  • errorRedirectsTo = the url where the browser should redirect on a failed transaction

Then include the prepaidType parameter based on the payment option

  • Bancontact

    • prepaidType = BANCONTACT

  • Giropay

    • prepaidType = GIROPAY

  • iDEAL

    • prepaidType = IDEAL

  • SEPA

    • prepaidType = SEPA_DEBIT

  • EPS

    • prepaidType = EPS

  • P24

    • prepaidType = P24


    • prepaidType = SOFORT





SEPA payments require the customer pass their IBAN number

  • Choose the building blocks and navigate to Forms

  • Drag an Input around the SEPA button and set it to IBAN

If using a direct API connection, make sure to pass iban on the import order call.