reCAPTCHA Enterprise

reCAPTCHA is a seamless fraud detection service from Google that stops bots and other automated attacks while approving valid users. reCAPTCHA Enterprise is supported on Checkout and Login pages.

Enable reCAPTCHA Enterprise at Google

There is much documentation on Google to enable reCAPTCHA Enterprise. This is a short list of steps to accomplish this. Your Google account may require additional steps.

  1. Sign into your Google account

  2. Create a Google Cloud Provider (GCP) account

  3. Go to

  4. Create a project for reCAPTCHA services and enable billing for the project

  5. Create an enterprise key for the project


    2. Set Platform = Website. Then enter one or more domains. Your funnel domain should be included.

    3. It is acceptable to use a testing key. Do remember to change to a live key once testing is complete.

    4. Choose to Use checkbox challenge. Both options are supported.

    5. If using the challenge, choose any Challenge Security

    6. Save

  6. Search for "API and Services" on the top search bar or visit the "API and Services" page (you may also find this under “Explore and enable APIs”).

    1. Select Credentials

    2. Select + Create Credentials > API Key

    3. Edit the key

      • choose to restrict the key to your funnel domain (Website) - this is optional

      • choose to enter an API restriction to your project from step 4 - this is optional


Enable reCAPTCHA Enterprise on a funnel

reCAPTCHA will automatically be added to Login and Checkout pages. Go to Add Ons in funnel Settings. Select the Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise tab.



Project ID = the project id from step 4 (this is the id, not the project name)

Site Key = the key from step 5

Assessment Key = the key from step 6

Failure Redirect URL = the full URL to redirect an unapproved user. This page can be in the current funnel, in another funnel, or any other site. This must begin with https://.

Type = Choose Challenge if you chose Use checkbox challenge in step 5c. Otherwise choose Hidden. The selection here must match step 5c for your site to function correctly.

Minimum Assessment Threshold Score = Choose the risk assessment level. Google has much information on this. One is here,-The%20scoring%20system&text=reCAPTCHA%20Enterprise%20has%2011%20levels,risk%20and%20might%20be%20fraudulent.

Trigger Event = Choose to trigger the assessment on page load or page submit. A checkout page will trigger on submit only if the checkout is a card. Any other checkout (PayPal, ApplePay, Klarna, etc) will not trigger the assessment since the next step requires user interaction.


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