Keep customers on Upsell Page after buying an upsell

This article will explain how to keep customers on your upsell page without them having to navigate to the next page. This could be useful in several ways. One example might be that you have a VSL upsell page with links to buy additional products, but you want to keep the customer on the page so they can continue reading and possibly buy more products.


On any upsell page, the button to purchase the upsell product must be set to the “Submit + Route” action. This will submit the upsell purchase to the CRM, and route the customer to the next page of the funnel - as determined by the routing arrows on the funnel visualizer.

To keep the customer on the same upsell page after buying an upsell, keep the button’s action set to “Submit + Route” but do not apply that button/link to the arrow routing. This will submit the upsell purchase to the CRM and “route” the customer back to the same page that they are on.

Order Confirmation emails and Shopify order exports send out immediately once the customer reaches the TY page. If you are keeping the customer on your Upsell Page, then the order confirmation email and order export will occur about 20 minutes after the order is originally placed.

Any upsells purchased after the 20 minute window will not be included on order confirmation emails sending from the CRM, and they will send as a separate order to Shopify.

Additional Notes:

  • You can provide an Order Summary on this upsell page which will update after the customer adds any upsells to their order.

  • The amount of time that a customer has to add additional upsells to their order is determined with the Upsell Window setting within the campaign.

  • You can have as many upsells page as you want before or after this specific upsell page; just be mindful of the initial 20 minute window, as well as the campaign’s upsell window.


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