Retention Report

This article will provide useful information about our Retention Report

Select Reports → Customers → Retention:

  • Enter your search information then click the green Go button:

  • The Retention Report will display the information in graph and table form:

Retention Report Tabs (Explained)

By Campaign: You can see a breakdown of your data by campaign which can break down into products if you click the green triangle:

By Source: You can see a breakdown of your data by source (affiliate), which can breakdown Sub Affiliate then Pub ID:

By Call Center: You can see a breakdown of your data by call center, which can be broken down by agent:

By Mid: You can see a breakdown based on the mid used for the sales.


  • Orders: Initial Number of Completed, Approved Orders

  • CPA(Cost per Acquisition) : (Total commissions for cycle)/(Total approvals for cycle)

  • Cancels: Number of Orders Canceled During the Initial Period

  • Chargebacks: Number of Chargebacks During the Initial Period

  • Gross: Gross Revenue During the Initial Period

  • Partial Refund: Amount Partially-refunded During the Initial Period

  • Full Refund: Amount Fully-refunded During the Initial Period

  • Expenses: Product Costs + Shipping Costs + Transaction Fees + Discount Rate Fees

  • Commissions: Main Offer Commissions (Step 1) + Upsell Commissions (Step 2) Paid to Affiliates Based on Campaign Settings

  • Net: Net Revenue = Gross Revenue - Chargebacks - Refunds - Expenses - Commissions


  • Approvals: Number of Approvals in Billing Cycle, Including Recycle Saves

  • Soft Declines: Number of Soft Declines in Billing Cycle (Can Be Re-attempted / Recycled)

  • Hard Declines: Number of Hard Declines in Billing Cycle (Ex. Stolen Card - Will Not Be Re-attempted / Recycled)

  • Pending: Purchases That Have Not Billed Yet for the Cycle Or Are Currently Soft Declines Set to Re-attempt Through Recycle Billing

  • Retention: Approvals / Initial Orders

  • Approval %: Approvals / (Approvals + Soft Declines + Hard Declines)

  • Recycle Save: Number of Purchases Approved Due to Recycle Billing. Recycle Saves are included in the approvals count in the cycle. Retention % for each recycle # is equal to: Saves / Initial Orders

  • Cancels: Number of Orders Canceled During the Cycle (Did Not Make It to the Next Billing Cycle)

  • Chargebacks: Number of Chargebacks During the Cycle

  • Gross: Gross Revenue for the Cycle

  • Partial Refund: Amount Partially-refunded During the Cycle

  • Full Refund: Amount Fully-refunded During the Cycle

  • Expenses: Product Costs + Shipping Costs + Transaction Fees + Discount Rate Fees for the Cycle

  • Net: Gross Revenue - Chargebacks - Refunds - Expenses for the Cycle


  • AVG LTV: Average Lifetime Value = (Total Net Revenue After All Cycles / Initial Orders

  • Gross: Total Gross Revenue After All Cycles

  • Net: Total Net Revenue After All Cycles (Total Gross Revenue - Chargebacks Total - Refunds Total - Total Expenses - Total Commissions)



Recycle Breakdown

Attempt: Recycle Number
Saves: Number of Approvals Through Recycle
Ret%: Saves / Initial Orders


Not Billed Yet: Purchases that have not billed yet for the cycle
The purchase is currently in a previous cycle and has an active or trial status and has not attempted to bill the cycle in question yet. This is often a trial extension to save a sale by customer service.

In Recycle: Purchases currently set to re-attempt in Recycle Billing

Billing Breakdown

The Billing Breakdown, which pops up when you hover over the Approval % value, shows the results of billing for that cycle.

Note: Each purchase will only be counted once in the Billing Breakdown. The table shows a summary of the end results of billing for the purchases. The table DOES NOT show all transactions attempted!

437 purchases successfully billed on initial rebilling attempt for this cycleInitial

118 purchases soft declined on the initial rebilling attempt and were not re-attempted
12 purchases hard declined on the initial rebilling attempt and were not re-attempted
437 / 760 (total number of purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 57.50% (approval percentage after inital rebill attempt)

Recycle 1

30 purchases successfully billed on 1st recycle billing attempt for this cycle
10 purchases soft declined on the 1st recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted
6 purchases hard declined on the 1st recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted
(437 + 30) / 760 (total number of purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 61.45% (approval percentage after 1st recycle billing attempt)

Recycle 2

12 purchases successfully billed on 2nd recycle billing attempt for this cycle
6 purchases soft declined on the 2nd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted
5 purchases hard declined on the 2nd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted
(437 + 30 + 12) / 760 (total number of purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 63.03% (approval percentage after 2nd recycle billing attempt)

Recycle 3

4 purchases successfully billed on 3rd recycle billing attempt for this cycle
110 purchases soft declined on the 3rd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted
10 purchases hard declined on the 3rd recycle billing attempt and were not re-attempted
(437 + 30 + 12 + 4) / 760 (total number of purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) X 100 = 63.55% (approval percentage after 3rd recycle billing attempt)


483 purchases successfully rebilled in total
244 purchases resulted in soft declines in total
33 purchases resulted in hard declines in total
483 + 244 + 33 = 760 (total number of purchases attempted to rebill for this cycle) 483 (successes) / 760 (attempted) X 100 = 63.55 Approval %

You can use the Continuity Report to view detailed information about purchases and/or check the Retention Report calculations. Useful filters include: Status, Billing Cycle, Recycle #, and Last Decline Type.

See the Transaction Details Report for detailed information about transactions.

Look at the Rebills Calendar on the Dashboard to easily see rebill results and scheduled billings.

Retention rate:

 You may not be factoring in how we use orders that we consider in a "pending" status in the retention calculation. A pending order is any order that is in a previous cycle, in an active status and has not attempted to bill the cycle in question yet. This is often a trial extension as a save a sale by customer service.

 Our calculation removes the trial extensions from the divisor. So that the calculation becomes: retention = approved / (orders - pending). It's important to note that orders in a recycle status still count against you. I prefer however to break the equation down this way: retention = approved / (approved + declined + recycles + cancels), as it allows you greater visibility into different factors affecting your retention rate.


All those columns are available in the CSV export:


Cycle 2 Retention Calculation Example:

(using data from July orders on campaign $JBDERMA DESKTOP)


orders -- 3544

cycles/2/approved -- 2647

cycles/2/declined -- 367

cycles/2/recycles -- 32

cycles/2/pending -- 4

cycles/1/cancels -- 494(always the previous cycle's cancels)


equation #1:


retention = approved / (orders - pending) = 2647 / (3544 - 4) = 0.74774


equation #2:


retention = approved / (approved + declined + recycles + cancels) = 2647 / (2647 + 367 + 32 + 494) = 0.74774


Being able to express the retention rate both ways gives us a useful check to ensure our numbers are always accurate.