Card Processing Report

The Card Processing Report is found under Reports → Payments → Card Processing

This report provides a summary of the card processing success rate within your account.




Use the Date Range and Filter selections to determine what the report will display data for.

  • Date Range Type :

    • Transaction Created Date : Filter by the date that the transaction were created on (this is not always the original order date).

    • Order Created Date : Filter by the date that the order was originally placed.

  • Date Range : Choose either the defaulted date ranges or your own specific dates.

  • Campaign : Filter for transactions within a specific campaign.

  • Campaign Category : Filter for transaction within a specific campaign category.

  • Product : Filter for transactions where a specific base product was purchased.

  • Affiliate : Filter for transactions associated with a specific affiliate.

  • Call Center : Filter for transactions associated with a specific call center.

  • Bill Type : Filter for New Sale transactions, Recurring transactions, or both.

  • Billing Cycle : Filter for transactions from a specific billing cycle.

  • Recycle # : Filter for transactions from a specific recycle billing cycle/attempt.

  • Card Type : Filter for transactions where a specific card type was used.

  • Card Bin Range : Enter a specific card bin or bin range to filter by.

    • Single Bin : ######

    • Bin Range : ######-######

    • Bin and after : ######-

    • Bin and before : -######

  • Base Currency : Filter for transactions that ran in a specific currency.

  • Country : Filter for transactions from customers in a specific country.

  • Gateway : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway.

  • Gateway Category : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway category.

  • Gateway Type : Filter for transactions that ran against a specific gateway type (NMI,, Stripe, PayPal, etc).

  • Credit/Debit : Filter for transaction that used a credit and/or debit card.

  • Prepaid : Filter for transactions that used a prepaid card or not.

  • 3D Secure :  Filter for transactions that are Protected and/or Not Protected.

Click the green Search button once you have made your filter selections. Once a search is submitted, scroll down to view the charts and data tables.

Card Type Report

This is a breakdown of ALL card authorize and sale transactions in your account, by Card Type. This excludes transactions placed with a CRM test card.

  • Card Type : The brand of cards used within the date range.

  • Transactions : The number of transactions within the date range.

  • Percent of Whole (%) : The usage rate of each card type (Sum of all equals 100)

  • Approval Rate (%) : Approvals / (Approvals + Declines)


The chart provides a visual representation for the different decline reasons that were present within the date range you've selected . You may select to view the chart as a bar graph or a pie chart.


The data table can be viewed By Affiliate, By Call Center, By Gateway, and By Card Bin

By Affiliate : See a breakdown of the data by source (affiliate). This data can be further expanded by the PublisherId and SubAffiliateId under an affiliate by clicking on the green triangle next to the Affiliate’s name.

By Gateway : See a breakdown of the data based on the gateway used for the purchases.

By Call Center : See a breakdown of the data based on the Call Center who placed the sales.

By Card Bin : See a breakdown of the data based on the Card Bins used by your customers.



Card Processing Table Header Definitions

By Affiliate, By Call Center, By Gateway

  • Gateway : The gateway the filtered transactions ran against.

  • Attempts : The amount of transaction attempts within the filtered data.

  • Successes : The amount of successful transactions within the filtered data.

  • Failures : The amount of declined transactions within the filtered data.

  • Chart : Click graph icon to view a Decline Reason chart for the specific affiliate/call center/gateway.


  • Charge Success Rate : Approvals / (Approvals + Declines)


By Card Bin

  • Card Bin : The Card Bins used within the filtered data. Hover over this value to view the Card Type, Issuing Bank, and Country that the card is associated with.


  • Sales : New Sales approvals(unique products)

  • Declines : New Sale declines(unique declines only)

  • Approval % : New Sale approvals / (New Sale approvals + New Sale declines)

  • Rebills : Rebill approvals

  • RB Declines : Rebill declines (unique declines only)

  • RB Approval % : Rebill approvals / (Rebill approvals + Rebill declines)

  • RB Revenue : Rebill revenue amount

  • Refunds : Number of successful Refunds and Voids transactions

  • Chargebacks : Number of chargebacks

  • Chargeback % : Chargebacks / (New Sales + Rebills)

  • Chart : Click graph icon to view a Decline Reason chart for the specific card bin.

  • Overall : (Approval % + Rebill Approval %) / 2