Merchant Warrior


Step 1:

Go to Merchants Gateway Integrations and activate the Merchant Warrior tile with the “+ Activate” button


Step 2:

Enter the merchantUuid, apiKey, and apiPassphrase from your Merchant Warrior account. To enable 3DS transactions, set Secure3DS to “Yes.” Press the green “Create Gateway” button to create your Merchant Warrior gateway.


Step 3:

Apply the gateway to your offers and upsells within the campaign.



Secure 3DS:

If using challenge (native) 3DS, be sure to implement proper handling on the checkout page


3DS requires that certain browser information be included on the Import Order API call:

  • Add a hidden input for browserData

<input type="hidden" name="browserData" value="" id="browserData">
  • Add below script before closing “body” tag.

<script type="text/javascript"> const navigator = window.navigator; const browserData = { acceptHeader: 'application/json', userAgent: navigator.userAgent, language: navigator.language, timezone: (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset().toString(), colorDepth: screen.colorDepth, screen: { height: screen.height.toString(), width: screen.width.toString() }, javaScriptEnabled: true, javaEnabled: navigator.javaEnabled() }; document.getElementById('browserData').value = JSON.stringify(browserData); </script>