
Authorization with delayed Capture is not supported on Pixxles


Step 1:

Go to Merchants Gateway Integrations and activate the Pixxles tile with the “+ Activate” button


Step 2:

Enter the merchantId and signature from your Pixxles account. Enter your Descriptor and Mid #. Press the green “Create Gateway” button to create your Pixxles gateway.

Choose useTestServer for sandbox testing only


Step 3:

Apply the gateway to your offers and upsells within the campaign.



Secure 3DS:

Be sure to implement proper handling of 3DS on the checkout page



3DS requires that certain browser information be included on the Import Order API call:

  • Add a hidden input for browserData

<input type="hidden" name="browserData" value="" id="browserData">


  • Add the below script before closing “body” tag.

<script type="text/javascript"> const navigator = window.navigator; const browserData = { acceptHeader: 'application/json', userAgent: navigator.userAgent, language: navigator.language, timezone: (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset().toString(), colorDepth: screen.colorDepth, screen: { height: screen.height.toString(), width: screen.width.toString() }, javaScriptEnabled: true, javaEnabled: navigator.javaEnabled() }; document.getElementById('browserData').value = JSON.stringify(browserData); </script>